Sunday, February 5, 2012

Maybe should write something..

I'm watching Maharaja Lawak 6 now but I feel like maybe I should update my blog before I forgot to do so. Yesterday was amazing because we was awarded with quite thick snow from Allah S.W.T and it was very amazing. The white snow has carried away my sadness and waking up from sleep looking at the shiny window made me feel grateful. Thank you ALLAH for everything but lately i'm so lazy to do one thing that is a compulsary thing to do in life..yes in LIFE! Maybe I need to do something urgently. Not to forget, I had a visitor from Cairo and she is my schoolmate back in MRSM Taiping. I'm happy and excited because my housemate also got the visitor from the same place. So, we have 8 people in our house and loneliness is not in my dictionary anymore. But, they only stay here for a few days and here come the loneliness again. But, I have to be patient and InsyaALLAH everything will be just fine. So, this is the selected picture for this entry..

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