Thursday, January 26, 2012

Term 2

I can't wait for February to come now because I want to go back during easter holiday which starts on 16th of March.. I don't care what people want to say about me because I admit that I am cheezy and I can't stand being homesick for such a long time.But I dont think people would say anything because this one is a lot better than last year where I booked the ticket for winter break and everybody was thinking that I am crazy. I am manja girl and both my mak and uya know me very well.So, it is nothing because I used to go back every weeks or once in two weeks when I did my foundation in Ipoh. Not to forget, every weeks when I was in MRSM Taiping. So, today is my boring day ever because it's winter and our nightlife started around 4p.m and that's it. I miss my home and every single things in it. Oh dear Allah, ease my homesickness for the better focus and concentration on my study. Seongsook just punished us with the pot luck arrangement because we didn't finish her homework. So, next thursday we have to bring food for her and there are 15 lucky students including me will prepare food for everyone. It's alright maybe next time we won't do this again. I mean the homework part not the pot luck one..I have two articles from my lecturers to be gobbled up for tomorrow's workshop..Owh dear, I am so lazy and I need home..:(

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