Sunday, September 29, 2013

Rindu UK. Lame isn't it?

When you're in the UK, you posted here and there I wanna go home.
Now, you're home then you started updating facebook and twitter saying that you miss Coventry.
I know it's quite confusing but that's the thing with human,
We will never manage to satisfy ourselves. Trust me.
So, don't blame me. I hope that I could go there again with my hubby and children next ten years maybe. Amin. (I'm going with hubby first. hehe)
Long wayy to go. Need to save up money first.
I hope Coventry is doing fine without me. heee
and I miss Birmingham too, my favourite place to do window shopping and a little shopping. :p
People kept on judging us just because we simply uttered "I miss UK".
Come on man, you just don't know how it feels.
So, LET THEM BE! because we actually updated our own fb and twitter, not yours right?
SO, if you don't like it you're pleased to not even look at it. hoho.

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