Friday, June 14, 2013

Of Paris, Eiffel Tower and my iphone.

Assalamualaikum to myself.
I just got back from Paris and this is my short trip before going back to Malaysia forever and ever.
I'm not coming back here again next October.
I'll be stucked in Ipoh completing my another year of 6 years TESL degree.
Ok back to business, Paris is a hectic place and I don't like it seriously.
There's too many social problems such as beggars everywhere and crime rate is worsening.
Quite similar to Kuala Lumpur the place where I don't really like either. hee
However, this city is so beautiful in a way that it touches your heart (complicated to explain it here but this is what I felt) and there's so many things to explore but we only get the chance to visit Arch de triumph, Eiffel Tower and Louvre Museum.

This is where I lost my Iphone :(

Museo De Louvre


Nad and Kakya
Lourve Museum

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