Saturday, November 17, 2012

My life in the UK

Tonight I actually feel that my life in the UK since the first time I arrived here is kind of boring except for travelling and spending time with friends. So, the rest is just more of counting days to go home ( Malaysia).
My daily routine here is the same every week every month which is more interesting back in Ipoh where we did our foundation course.Honestly, I can't wait to go back and do everything that we used to do such as eating at the nearest kedai makan and spending time at Jusco and others. But, I'm sad to leave UK too, because it is beautiful in her own way. So, today I'm writing this to cherish my experience doing my first degree in a small town called Coventry.

Food stocks for surviving another 9 months 

Doing some grocery shopping 

Looking at this pitiful fish that they eat but it looks yummy though

Attending lectures

Walking with them to class early in the morning 

Cooking time 

Doing some shopping on ebay. haha

Preparing breakfast with love during weekend

Try to focus during class which is so difficult.

Maggi party with friends

Chilling at Costa 

Drink warm coffee when it's freezing outside is awesome!

Basically these are my activities here for the past two years and I know that I'm gonna miss this routine when I'm back in Malaysia. Whatever it is, life must go on and I actually hold on to the wisdom  words said by one of my lecturer " you can't have both the best things in your life, you have to choose". So, that's all for this time, I'm gonna write again next time. bye

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