Sunday, August 3, 2014

Raya 2014.

Assalamualaikum WBT my dear blog that I have neglected for a month. : p
So this year my lovely husband and the most kind man on earth that I love so much sacrifice his moment celebrating raya with his family and we celebrated our first raya as husband and wife with my family. Not to forget with little baby inside and my lovely siblings, niece and nephews. I feel so happy and I'm thankful to have the most understanding man on earth as my husband. Thank you ALLAH. Eventhough he is not perfect but I always pray that Allah will always guide us to the right path. May Allah's blessing be with us always. I'm so happy and thankful that Allah has given me another chance to experience Ramadan this year with growing little soul in my tummy. Alhamdulillah.

My happy family on 1st Syawal 1435H :)

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