Friday, April 26, 2013

Planning for future ;)

We did a small talk about this and next year it is InsyaALLAH.
What I am doing right now is deviating my attention from books to images.
There's so  many beautiful dresses suitable for engagement and wedding.
Seriously, I'm dizzy now after browsing through so many beautiful dresses. 
I just want to get a rough idea on how my dress would look like.
The best thing of having a sister who is a tailor is you can just pass her a picture and your dream will come true. 
The problem is I can't decide! Help me..
I'm looking for something simple and sweet.
Semua cantikkk..

I love the combination between red and mint green! Nice combination.

My not tailor sister in pink dress with roses designed by my tailor sister :)

I love the mint green and fuschia dress. 

My favourite, but maybe keep this one for nikah :)

My second vote! :)

Pictures courtesy of Minaz Boutique

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