Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Truth and human being

Thanks to the world for the most precious lesson of truth, sincerity, honesty and human being.
I would never put 100 percent trust to anyone around me except ALLAH and my family (nucleus family). Human being is the most judgemental species in the world and I hate the fact that I'm one of them too. They are few of them who favour meddling in others' affair. They are just too loud and bold. Simultaneously, pushing you to the maximum level of patience and surely it bursts!! They got their prize and we got the regret thought like this all night long. Thinking of I should not do that to her and etc. But, darn you deserve it for your big mouth!

Friday, November 11, 2011

of 2nd year in Warwick Uni.

so, i've been here for about 1month and 11days plus plus
still thinking of home and the people of course
thinking of when can i go back again
so, let us bury some memorable pictures here
and i hope that someday i'm able to reminisce the memories in the uk with this blog

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Saat hati terluka disini la tempat berpaling.
Sungguh hati rasa tenang saat jari jemari mula menari menceritakan apa yang terbuku di hati.
Tulisan sendiri untuk tatapan diri sendiri.
Untuk mengimbas kembali saat saat duka meraih kedewasaan dalam hidup.
Seribu satu rasa hadir dan pernah tewas dalam perjalanan menuju ke puncak.
Hati terasa betapa pedihnya kecewa kerana terlalu banyak bergantung pada manusia lain sedangkan Allah ada sentiasa.
Doa penghubung antara diri Allah makin dilupakan.
Kelalaian dan kealpaan tenggelam dalam nikmat Allah yang melimpah ruah.
Aku mohon petunjuk supaya diri tidak tersasar jauh dari landasan Mu.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Saat dan ketika itu..

when you feel like crying but you can't do that because you don't want to hurt people around you.
when you feel like screaming out loud saying that you're right, you have to think twice again because you don't want to hurt others.
but deep inside, tears rolling down without hesitation because it's only between you and yourself.
no one will hear you weeping and sobbing.
my heart is suffering but no one will know that.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I was born to write.

The title actually refer to my disastrous self-challenge.
I did destroy my old blog due to some technical problems.
But, I can't live without writing and letting go all my worries here.
Damn I hate to say that I can't live without you blog.
I think it's beneficial for me to have this because I can easily memorise certain things with the existence of this.
So,I am so determined to fight for this blog this time around.:)
Today is the second day of ramadhan and I am such a lazy bum waking up at 11 and lazing around doing nothing.
I only went out at 4.30+ p.m with mak, my sister and little adam.
Next time when I read this again I hope that I remember myself wearing blue shirt and black tracksuit.